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Get quality leads and boost your sale in one day with our cutting-edge Google Ads strategies. From start-ups to SMEs, we work with brands from different industry to grow their revenue.

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Turn $1 into 10x more returns with a data-driven Google PPC strategy

Google owns the world's largest online display advertising network, with their campaigns reaching over 80% of global Internet users. By working with a marketing agency, Incorporating Google Display Ads - or Adwords - into your digital marketing strategy enables you to make sure that your product is being seen by your target audience, all the time.

How Google Ads works for your business?

Google Ads positions your brand in front of people who are already actively searching for your product or services. If you're looking for targeted advertising that lets you pinpoint your buyers in Singapore or overseas, Google Ads is where you should be investing.

Using Mobile Phones

An overview of Google Ads

+ What are Google Ads?

Google Ads (or Google AdWords) are advertisements businesses pay Google to have them appear on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) or to appear on other websites through the Display Network and Google’s AdSense program. This can be highly effective as the ads are targeted towards people already searching for these products or services. Ads on the SERPs appear right above the organic search results and right below them. They are differentiated from the organic search results by the “Ad” label that appears at the top left of each search result. Display Ads (those that appear on the Google Display Network) are served when Google partners with agreeable third-party websites.

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